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Sketchup Plugins of SuforYou




s4u Delete Overlap will delete all instances(or new Group) which is overlap its position(in selection or all)

Usage: Plugins > Suforyou > Delete Instances Overlap or Toolbar

Downloads: 7811                [ Version Updated: 2021-01-08 21:22:48 ]



Align selected objects

Usage: Extension: Plugins > Suforyou > Align or Toolbar

Downloads: 19954                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 00:48:19 ]



Attach Selected Components To Faces ( Glue to Face)

Usage: Extension->Suforyou->Attach to Face or Toolbar s4u-Attach to Face

Downloads: 7395                [ Version Updated: 2024-01-02 03:00:24 ]



- Click Tool - Select "FORCE" - Set "NEAR" number , ex : 50

Usage: Extensions > Suforyou > Clipping Camera or Toolbar s4u-Clipping Camera

Downloads: 6040                [ Version Updated: 2020-03-17 03:50:50 ]



Connect 2 edges,curve,arc. Extend Arcs to Circles

Usage: Extensions > Suforyou > Connect or Toolbar s4u-Connect

Downloads: 14648                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 00:48:49 ]



Copy Object Following Selected Groups or Components . Copy Object Following All Component Instances in the Model.

Usage: Extension-> Suforyou -> Copy Follow Objects or Toolbar s4u-Copy Follow Objects

Downloads: 3815                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 00:49:10 ]



Crop Selection by Lasso, Polyline, Circle, Rectangle. Save selection states. Shift to Extend Select. Drag Mouse to Rectangle. Click Mouse to Polyline. Hold ALT ( Control on Mac) to Circle. Press TAB to Reverse Side Selection.

Usage: Extension > Suforyou > Crop Selection or Toolbar s4u-Crop Selection

Downloads: 2586                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 00:49:28 ]



Convert Curve To Arc, Circle.

Downloads: 3025                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 00:49:47 ]



Divide faces follow 2 directions

Usage: Extension > SUforYou > Divide or Right Mouse on Face(s) or s4u Divide toolbar

Downloads: 18612                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 00:50:12 ]



Draw Boundary from coordinate file.

Downloads: 1711                [ Version Updated: 2025-01-06 13:41:35 ]



-Explode all Groups ,Components,Curves IN selected Groups or Components to lines and faces. -Explode OUT Groups,Components,Images or Curves.

Usage: Plugins > Suforyou > ....or Toolbar s4u Explode

Downloads: 9223                [ Version Updated: 2023-02-07 07:40:25 ]



Export Scenes to JPG or PNG images.Move Scenes.Rename Scenes.

Usage: Extenstions > Suroyou > Export Scenes or Toolbar s4u Export Scenes

Downloads: 7432                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 00:50:31 ]



Filter Selection follow Class. Select Edge, Face, Group, ComponentInstance, ConstructionLine, ConstructionPoint, Dimension, Image, SectionPlane, Text .

Usage: Extensions > Suforyou > Filter Selection

Downloads: 1811                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 00:50:54 ]



Find gaps. Find end point of edge and Auto Connect.

Downloads: 5152                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 00:51:11 ]



Make Frame from Selected Faces( Edges or Curves ).

Usage: Extension( or Plugins) > Suforyou ... or Toolbar

Downloads: 12326                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 00:51:32 ]



Hide/Show lines.Hide Intersect Lines of Objects.

Usage: Extenstions > Suroyou > Hide Line or Toolbar

Downloads: 5606                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 00:51:48 ]



Import Camera From another Sketchup File to Current File. Support Camera Two-Point Perspective.

Downloads: 2869                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 00:52:44 ]



Import the DXF file(text format) follow segment number(support Dynamic block,mline,ellipse,spline,polyline,circle,arc,line,text)

Usage: Extensions > Suforyou or Toolbar

Downloads: 16961                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 00:52:05 ]



Manager Layer (Tags) : Previous, Next, Isolate, Current, Off, On Layers.

Downloads: 7869                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 00:53:10 ]



Make Face from selected lines. Shortcut: Hold Alt (Command on Mac) and Click for Set Height (Zaxis).

Usage: Extensions->Suforyou->Line to Face or Toolbar s4u-Linetoface

Downloads: 10183                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 01:34:02 ]



Draw Lines or Construction Lines from 2 points. Draw Construction Point. Input length with Simple Function (+ ,-,*,/) Input Point with format : x,y,z

Usage: Plugins > Suforyou->Linetool or Toolbar s4u-Linetool

Downloads: 11986                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 01:34:25 ]



Select edges for Make Faces. (or Right Mouse select Make Face)

Usage: Extensions > Suforyou > MakeFace or Toolbar. (or Right Mouse select Make Face.)

Downloads: 211861                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 01:35:35 ]



Make box from : - Select 4 points. - Select 3 points+ input height - Select 3 points+ last height (Enter)

Usage: Plugins > Suforyou - Make Box ...or Toolbar s4u - Make Box

Downloads: 5343                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 01:35:13 ]



Add some tools about Material ,Exchange material Front & Back ,Orient Faces in Group,Components

Downloads: 8632                [ Version Updated: 2024-01-02 03:01:32 ]



Mirror Objects by 1 click. - Mirror Objects - Mirror and Duplicate Objects - Snap On Mirror 45, On Axis 45.

Usage: Extensions -> Suforyou or Toolbar s4u-Mirror

Downloads: 31334                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 01:35:58 ]



Multi Slice ,Cut,Detach Selected Objects.

Dependencies: Extension-Suforyou-MultiSlice or Toolbar s4u MultiSlice

Downloads: 8063                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 01:36:22 ]



Multiple Offset Selected Edges or Faces. Offset both side.Random Offset. Alt (Control on Mac) > Create Offset Tab > Toggle : Side - Both Side Select edges(or faces) and Double-clicking on the screen for offset automatically with previous value.

Usage: Extensions> Suforyou >Offset or Toolbar s4u-Offset

Downloads: 11741                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 01:36:48 ]



On/Off Shadow in All Scenes.

Usage: Extensions-Suforyou-OnOff Shadow

Downloads: 5016                [ Version Updated: 2024-01-02 03:01:52 ]



Paint Material to Face in Group,Component.Detele Material in Object.Replace Material.Rotate ,Move ,Align texture.Reverse Face.Get area of material.

Usage: Extensions->Suforyou-> Paint or Toolbar s4u-Paint

Downloads: 8357                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 01:37:16 ]



Draw panel by 3 points or select face.

Downloads: 8025                [ Version Updated: 2024-10-02 01:37:40 ]