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Sketchup Plugins




Shared library needed by many of the Fredo plugins for SU2017+. It is NOT a standalone plugin. v15.0a for FredoBatch v1.3

Usage: Window > LibFredo6 Settings...

Dependencies: Need SU2017 and above

Downloads: 3190702                [ Version Updated: 2024-12-31 10:27:28 ]



Find, Install, Manage your Plugins & Extensions inside SketchUp. Access >800 RBZs. Install, Enable / Disable Plugins & Extensions, with lots of utilities too... If upgrading, install then restart SketchUp

Usage: Extensions > SketchUcation > .....

Downloads: 1412901                [ Version Updated: 2024-04-29 19:21:10 ]



Performs the rounding of the edges and corners of 3D shapes along a 2D profile, in 3 modes: Round corners, Sharp corners and Bevel. Version 3.4a for SU2024

Usage: Tools > Fredo6 Collection > RoundCorner

Dependencies: LibFredo6 14.3b and Sketchucation ExtensionStore v4.4.0

Downloads: 1385478                [ Version Updated: 2024-03-31 14:56:20 ]



Dedicated to Loft and Skinning, that is, generation of surfaces from contours. Version 2.0a for SU2024

Usage: Tools > Fredo6 Collection > Curviloft

Dependencies: LibFredo6 14.3b and Sketchucation ExtensionStore v4.4.0

Downloads: 1249056                [ Version Updated: 2024-03-31 14:40:46 ]



Perform extrusions of faces with various methods. v4.8a is for SU2024.

Usage: Tools > Fredo6 Collection > Joint Push Pull

Dependencies: LibFredo6 14.3b and Sketchucation ExtensionStore v4.4.0

Downloads: 1228735                [ Version Updated: 2024-03-30 14:45:45 ]



Interactively apply a number of geometric transformations, such as Scaling, Tapering, Stretching, Plane Shear, Twisting, Bending and Rotation. Version 3.6a for SU2024

Usage: Tools > Fredo6 Collection > FredoScale

Dependencies: LibFredo6 14.3b and Sketchucation PluginStore v4.4.0

Downloads: 739567                [ Version Updated: 2024-04-01 15:37:28 ]



Groups a number of my standalone plugins. v4.5c for a fix in SolidVoulme

Usage: Tools > Fredo Tools

Dependencies: LibFredo6 14.3b or higher and SU2017 or above

Downloads: 699655                [ Version Updated: 2024-06-24 20:35:49 ]



Rounding of the edges and corners of 3D shapes in 3 modes: Round , Bevel, Subdivision Mesh - v2.7a for SU2024

Usage: Tools > Fredo6 Collection > FredoCorner

Dependencies: LibFredo6 14.3b and Sketchucation ExtensionStore v4.4.0

Downloads: 593299                [ Version Updated: 2024-03-31 17:55:27 ]



Fix version for 2021

Downloads: 392712                [ Version Updated: 2021-05-20 16:21:57 ]



Draws a variety of Polylines, Bezier and Spline curves, all in 3D. Version 2.2a for performance of contextual menu

Usage: Draw > BezierSpline Curves

Downloads: 384515                [ Version Updated: 2021-04-22 08:15:16 ]



A suite of Tools for drawing on curved surfaces, with lines, various shapes, offset and Freehand / Polyline. It provides an inference mechanism, a Contour Editor and a dedicated Eraser. Version 2.6a for SU2024

Usage: Tools > Fredo6 Collection > Tools On Surface

Dependencies: LibFredo6 14.3b and Sketchucation PluginStore v4.4.0

Downloads: 334536                [ Version Updated: 2024-04-01 12:49:58 ]



A varied toolset for Extruding Edges into meshes etc... Now compatible for up to v2024... But be aware that >=v2017 is more prone to BugSplats, so save+save+save...

Usage: Extension[ExtrudeTools]: Extensions[Plugins] || Toolbar > Extrusion Tools... > ... [various tools]

Dependencies: deBabelizer.rb [included in this toolset's RBZ]

Downloads: 307852                [ Version Updated: 2024-04-25 15:13:51 ]



Bends an existing group to match a curved line or series of connected lines

Downloads: 299598                [ Version Updated: 2014-10-15 08:15:42 ]



A cloth simulator for SketchUp. Licensing unlocks Loop Subdivision, Laplacian Smoothing, Movable Pins, and Adaptive Grid. Compatible with SU2016-SU2024; Windows 7+ / Mac OS X 10.8+.

Usage: (Menu) Extensions → ClothWorks; (Context Menu) ClothWorks; ClothWorks Toolbar

Dependencies: Latest version of SketchUcationTools to license

Downloads: 298663                [ Version Updated: 2024-04-28 17:12:07 ]



Generates Terrains from iso-contours (as a QuadMesh) and from a Cloud of Points (as a Triangular Mesh). Version 2.7a for SU2024

Usage: Tools > Fredo Collection > TopoShaper

Dependencies: LibFredo6 14.3 and Sketchucation PluginStore v4.4.0

Downloads: 257906                [ Version Updated: 2024-04-01 15:58:01 ]



Animator is a script dedicated to the animation of Sketchup models. It provides a parametric, interactive framework to control movements of objects and cameras along a timeline. Animator generates videos in various formats.

Usage: Tools > Fredo6 Collection > Animator

Dependencies: LibFredo6 14.3b or higher

Downloads: 235494                [ Version Updated: 2024-12-31 09:33:20 ]



A library of reusable code, which is used to organize and manage many of TT's plugins, which then require the installation of this 'helper' library to function properly...

Downloads: 233039                [ Version Updated: 2024-02-22 13:32:09 ]



Optimize and clean up a model

Downloads: 227916                [ Version Updated: 2024-02-24 12:15:26 ]



Mirror selected objects by picking 1/2/3 points to define a point/line/plane: then choose to Keep/Delete the original objects. PC/MAC/all-versions compatible.

Usage: Plugins|Extensions || Context-menu || Toolbar > Mirror Selection...

Dependencies: Note on PC pre-v2014 close the Outliner to avoid crashes...

Downloads: 226425                [ Version Updated: 2018-12-12 14:10:18 ]



Toolbar of essential Plugins from the Masters...

Usage: Documentation to be published

Downloads: 218765                [ Version Updated: 2016-11-21 00:44:44 ]