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Sketchup Plugins of TIG




A broad suite of drawing tools/editing for working in '2D'. Now future-proofed and MAC friendly. Install, then restart SketchUp to effect new cursors etc...

Usage: Draw || Toolbar > 2D Tools... > ... [various 2D Tools]

Dependencies: deBabelizer.rb [auto-installed with this plugin]

Downloads: 96522                [ Version Updated: 2020-05-21 12:52:51 ]



Creates 45 degree top-left/right shadows on elevations/plans.

Usage: View > Elevation 45 Shadows > Left || Right

Downloads: 16488                [ Version Updated: 2014-03-04 14:18:00 ]



Adds faces to selected edges, if it can... Plugins|Context-Menu... OR Ruby Console: TIG.addfaces

Usage: Plugins | Context-menu > Add Faces [to Selected Edges] | Ruby-Console

Downloads: 13380                [ Version Updated: 2014-06-17 10:45:26 ]



Adds Text/arrow showing Height above a datum. Display changes with the Text's location in Z. Datum can be set per model and existing text converted to Height label
Also see TIG's 'Coords...Tag...' tool for XY AND Z Coord Text.

Usage: Plugins|Extensions > Height above Datum submenu

Downloads: 6716                [ Version Updated: 2017-02-08 13:00:41 ]



Adds a construction point where a Line or Face intersects

Usage: Plugins > Add Point at Line and Face Intersection

Downloads: 2546                [ Version Updated: 2013-04-29 14:45:00 ]



Adds the current Scene-Tab's name to the screen as 'screen-text' using a dedicated layer

Usage: Plugins > Add Scene Name || Add Scene Names[ALL]

Downloads: 1109                [ Version Updated: 2013-04-29 14:45:00 ]



Marks All Vertices [if any] in PreSelection with Guide-Points. Then Adds Guide-Point at Picked Point on Edge, Face, cLine, Groups/Components etc, using normal inferences. Hold Key to Modify [in Context]: SHIFT+Edge=Split_Edge & ALT+Face=Split_Face

Usage: Plugins > Add Guide-Point ...

Downloads: 6570                [ Version Updated: 2013-10-17 12:01:00 ]



Tool to make an 'Antiprism' - partner to 'Prism' tool...

Usage: Ruby-Console > antiprism number_of_sides, length_of_a_side

Downloads: 831                [ Version Updated: 2013-04-29 14:45:00 ]



A suite of tools for drawing Arcs by various methods...

Usage: Draw > TIG::ArcBy... > ...

Downloads: 2690                [ Version Updated: 2013-04-29 14:45:00 ]



Offsets Arcs|Circles as True Arcs. Unsigned simple script.

Usage: Tool || Context-Menu* > Arc_Offset_True [*if at least one Arc|Circle selected]

Downloads: 7296                [ Version Updated: 2022-06-19 14:18:33 ]



Makes a copy of the model and puts its SKP into an 'Archives' sub-folder with the model. It adds the date+time onto the file name.

Usage: File > Archive || Open_Archives || Archive_Option

Downloads: 2571                [ Version Updated: 2014-03-26 13:20:00 ]



Format area text tags with any desired area format, chosen from a dialog

Usage: Extensions|Plugins > Area Formatter

Downloads: 3109                [ Version Updated: 2015-10-24 13:31:22 ]



A suite of text tagging tools, showing the picked face's area, updates with face changes, export report etc.

Usage: Extension[AreaTextTag]: Plugins|Extensions || Toolbar > AreaTextTag Tools

Downloads: 6030                [ Version Updated: 2017-01-29 20:50:14 ]



Current view changes to the axo/iso format desired and model-extents are zoomed

Usage: Ruby-Console > axo3060 || axo6030 || axo4545 || iso3030 [See 'More Info...' about adding a menu/toolbar]

Downloads: 11783                [ Version Updated: 2013-04-29 14:45:00 ]



Exports all SKP files in a folder to DAE format.

Usage: File > Export Batch DAE...

Downloads: 1621                [ Version Updated: 2013-12-12 14:45:00 ]



Writes a Report of Center of Gravity objects in the model... [Needs CofG plugin]

Usage: Ruby-Console > cofgreporter

Downloads: 1483                [ Version Updated: 2013-04-29 14:45:00 ]



Makes 2d line drawings of all standard views of a Group or Component-Instance ready for use in a CAD program.
Slow and creaky... but it works...

Usage: Tools > CADup

Downloads: 9924                [ Version Updated: 2022-07-19 15:40:27 ]



Adds a Center of Gravity , Suspension-Points markers and Info to selected group/instance...

Usage: Plugins|Extension > C of G... > Find CofG || Composite CofG

Dependencies: deBabelizer.rb [ which is auto-installed with this plugin]

Downloads: 10495                [ Version Updated: 2017-08-22 14:35:15 ]



Adds a centerpoint to anything that's selected - Group, ComponentInstance, Line, Circle, Face etc

Usage: Plugins > Add Centerpoint

Downloads: 24020                [ Version Updated: 2013-04-29 14:45:00 ]



Reverses only back faces on click

Usage: Plugins > Click Back of Face to Flip...

Downloads: 4187                [ Version Updated: 2013-04-29 14:45:00 ]



Marks all thin faces Magenta, even if they are part of a face that is larger than the size limit

Usage: Ruby-Console > TIG.colorthinfaces

Downloads: 873                [ Version Updated: 2013-04-29 14:45:00 ]



Reports names, count of instances, nested instances/groups and areas of materials... Useful as the base-code for your own 'reporters'...

Usage: Plugins > Component++ Report

Downloads: 2777                [ Version Updated: 2013-04-29 14:45:00 ]



Changes Component Descriptions to include optional Name, Desc, Dims, Vol.

Usage: Plugins || Extensions > TIG-ComponentDescriptor... submenu: also context-menu items - see 'Help...'

Dependencies: Best in > v2015 used in conjunction with Layout's improved toolset

Downloads: 2375                [ Version Updated: 2021-05-20 12:36:27 ]



Aligns all component-instances onto a variety of grid sizes.

Usage: Tools > Components to Grid > ... [various grid sizes]

Downloads: 1739                [ Version Updated: 2013-04-29 14:45:00 ]



Deletes or Layers Guide-Lines or Guide-Points or Both via context menu

Usage: Context-menu > Guide-Tools... > Lines... || Points... || Both Lines AND Points... > ... [options: active/selection/to_layer/etc]

Downloads: 2620                [ Version Updated: 2019-05-24 14:02:10 ]



Style guide lines via context menu

Usage: Context-menu > ClineStyle... > ... [various style-patterns]

Downloads: 2463                [ Version Updated: 2013-04-29 14:45:00 ]



Three Guides are added at that Point parallel to the three Axes

Usage: Plugins > Clines on Axes at Point || Clines Normal at Point [also on Toolbar 'WorkPlane Tools',  if that tool is loaded]

Downloads: 1616                [ Version Updated: 2013-04-29 14:45:00 ]



Calculates a series of horizontal slices through a selection's faces to make the Contours as specified

Usage: Plugins > Contours

Downloads: 17498                [ Version Updated: 2013-04-29 14:45:00 ]



Coords-Tag toolset = Settings Dialog, Add Coords-Tag by Pick [Optional Incrementing Prefix/Ref], Update All Tags, Text to Tag, Tag to Text, Tag at Cpoint, Cpoint at Tag, Export Coords-Tags to CSV, Import Coords-Tags from CSV, Add Coords-Tag by Dialog.

Usage: Plugins > Coords-Tag... > ... [ Toolset as listed above ]

Downloads: 5695                [ Version Updated: 2014-03-21 13:40:00 ]



Selected solid object will then be cut to a user defined 3-point plane [Pro >=v.8 only]

Usage: Plugins || Context-menu* > TIG-Cut_to_plane [*if suitable selection]

Downloads: 6910                [ Version Updated: 2013-04-29 14:45:00 ]