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Add Icons    v1.0.2

  • Overview
  • Quick Start
  • Release Notes

This plugin adds an icons to the mac SketchUp files. There are 5 modes. One-skp [current model]: It uses the current view and adds it image to the current model's file. It does not 'save' the model, unless 'Untitled'

Batch-skps, Batch-skm, Batch-styles or Batch-layout:

Icons created can be replaced by reuse of the plugin. PC users will not see the same icons unless you re-save the file in v2015,

Skp's can be re-saved after using the 'Square Window Toggle' for best icons, The 'Print Window Toggle' wills use you printer paper ratio and the icons will have Red bands...

'Archive' before sending to other mac's is required to keep the icons...)

instal and use...

v1.0.1 if you have any, of the many 'beta' version that I may have PM'd to you, this is the latest and greatest... v1.0.2 made a few changes for v8 as it was broken... some of the changes also improve the window resizing on all SU versions...