Sketchup Plugins




Advanced attribute editor supporting classes like arrays, vectors and points, and entities like definitions, layers, materials and models. Includes tool to pick points and vectors.

Usage: Plugins > Attribute Editor > Current model

Downloads: 2915                [ Version Updated: 2014-05-25 10:48:11 ]



Generates a summarized list (Summary BOM) of dynamic components that have a value in the ItemCode attribute

Downloads: 2140                [ Version Updated: 2013-04-29 14:45:00 ]



SJ Add DC Attribute is a plugin for Sketchup. It is used to apply one or more common attributes to a selection. Attributes can be entered, or taken from a list of favorite attributes or present in one of the components of the selection.

Usage: Plugins > SimJoubert Tools >Add DC Attribute

Downloads: 1460                [ Version Updated: 2023-01-24 08:57:07 ]



Works with the Component Attributes window, and offers two new functions that calculate attribute values in nested components and groups, and updates them dynamically. Pro users only

Usage: Dynamic Component Attributes => use NestedAttributeSum("attribute") or NestedAttributeCount("attribute") formulae

Downloads: 1075                [ Version Updated: 2014-05-06 11:46:03 ]



Provides a window to quickly view and edit the selected entities' properties. Works like the Entity Info with a user customisable set of attributes to edit. Future versions will include more properties.

Usage: Window > Entity Info +

Downloads: 2160                [ Version Updated: 2016-06-03 15:04:54 ]



Search and find entities based on parameters and custom attributes. Exchange data between SketchUp and an Excel or csv table.

Downloads: 88                [ Version Updated: 2024-05-13 22:26:22 ]