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Guides Proxy    v1.1

  • Overview
  • Release Notes

TIG (c) 2015

All rights reserved.



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Or much easier, no restart required !
Use the Preferences > Extensions > Install button... on the RBZ archive.


A Toolset to backup your Guides, safe from Deletion...


With a suitable Selection its tools become available through the Context-menu:

Guides to Proxy

If there are Guide-Lines or Guide-Points in the Selection, then they are made
into a "Proxy".
This is a new Group named "Guides_Proxy", on Layer "Layer0".
Its contents are either Guide-Points, each with a tiny piece of Line to
remember that Point"s location should Delete Guides be used subsequently;
or sub-groups, each containing one Line representing the original Guide-Line -
attributes are used to remember the original Guide-Line"s type -
i.e. infinite, infinite in one direction, fixed length.
Any "infinite" lines will extend to the limits of the Model"s bounds.
The Proxy's contents are put on a Layer named "Guides_Proxies".
The "Guides_Proxy" Group is locked in place.
The operation is one step undo-able.

Guides from Proxy

If there is one or more "Guides_Proxy" Groups in the Selection, then it is
used to recreate its remembered Guide-Points and Guide-Lines.
The Proxy Group is deleted on completion.
The operation is one step undo-able.

Delete Guides_Proxy

If there is one or more "Guides_Proxy" Groups in the Selection, then the Proxy
Group is unlocked and deleted.
The operation is one step undo-able.

1.0 20150505 First issue.
1.1 20150507 Layer is only made if the tool is used.